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Anti-smoking therapeutic magnets

Original price was: 25.00$.Current price is: 13.90$.

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The Anti-smoking therapeutic magnets

Would you like to quit smoking? Save money and stop spending your money for nothing? Maintain good health and therefore hope to live better! we found the right solution.

This is a therapy that you can do alone and at home, without having to go to a center or a doctor

How to use ?

Therapy based on 2 magnets placed at a specific point on the left ear.

Place the smallest on the front of the ear and the largest behind.

The treatment does not require piercing the ear because the magnets remain in place without any risk of coming off.

Use them preferably at home, in the office or when you are relaxed, for example after dinner, while watching TV, until bedtime and / or during your lunch break.

Easy to use, the magnets should be applied between 3 and 4 hours a day:

Do this for 6 or 7 days, during which time you can continue to smoke normally.

By the end of the 7th day, if you haven’t done so before, you should be able to quit smoking, and it should be easier for you.

Continue to wear the magnets for 20 to 25 days and follow the directions.



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